Spelling and pronunciation of numbers in malajština
Malajská čísla, occupies a vast majority of our daily lives. Even when talking to the other people; We need to use it in many fields such as phone numbers, money amounts, dates, etc. It is important to have proper accent besides knowing the numbers. That why we need to learn numbers with correct accent.
In order to learn malajština numbers in the fastest way, you have to practice by reading and listening to the numbers that we offer you one by one. You can also follow and listen to the contents on the video we have prepared so that you can learn the numbers easily. As a result of constant listening, you will learn malajština numbers in a very short time!
Malajská čísla and their pronunciations are considered one of the most important issues that must be learned initially for malajština language training. For this reason, you have to learn very well in order to complete the language education properly.
Below Malajská čísla are given from 1 to 100 for you. By following the numbers regularly every day, you can easily strengthen your language education thanks to the video we have prepared for you.